
One of the most intriguing denizens of the Shadowfell is the Shadar-kai. Whether they were elves or humans in the ages past is unknown but what is clear that they initially didn’t belong to the plane but migrated here. The piercings and tattoos that are seen on the Shadar-kai at one point were more functional than decoration. They were once a method to keep the Shadowfell#Shamblers at bay but as the Shadowfell accepted them and seeped into their blood turning them into creatures of the shadow the piercings and tattoos turned into a fashion. The Shadar-kai had followed the Raven Queen into the plane to be near their Goddess. Since their arrival, they have built somber cities and grim fortresses, one of the most famous cities in the Shadowfell known as Gloomwrought. Shadar-kai cities welcome people from other planes as long as they don’t worship the Gods of Undeath. Also due to their neutral nature, they even allow black markets to thrive within their settlements.

Shadar-kai who prove themselves or go above and beyond to serve the Raven Queen are blessed by the Winter Queen and transformed into Sorrowsworn. Only the most dedicated and loyal Sorrowsworn gain the opportunity to be knighted by the Mistress of Fate, becoming the Raven Knights. Most Sorrowsworn can be found in Shadar-kai settlements or settlements were the worship of the Raven Queen is the most dominant one. Sorrowsworn can also be found in forgotten or abandoned ruins awaiting their orders. The Raven Knights are always found patrolling the regions of Ravenholm.