
The Dragonborn people hail from the Dragonholds. During the Tyranny of Dragons, they were cursed machinations created by the Dragons for fun. While Bahamut attacked, the Dragonborn freed themselves from their tyrannical overlords.

For a Dragonborn, their Clan, and their Clan name, is important to their identity. During their rebellion, many great and terrible Dragons were slain by Dragonborn champions. These champions would found the Clans known today, naming themselves after the Dragons they have slain as a mark of honour.

It’s not too rare to see young Dragonborn out exploring the world before settling back home to fulfill a wanderlust seemingly inherent for many. Whether instinctual or cultural, no one’s too sure.

Sometimes a scaleless Dragonborn will either be born, or a Dragonborn might lose their scales at some point. Whichever case, the scaleless Dragonborn joins a group of other scaleless Dragonborn to be trained as a Seer. These Seers might return to their original clans to help with governing, offering their wisdom if necessary. The Seers also have a group of 10 leading members known simply as the Wise Ones, one for each Dragonborn type. Dragonborn society will heed this group’s every word, as their word is law.