

A number of factions vie for power within the world of Mokosh.

Major Factions

Central Mage Authority, an organization which keeps spellcasters in check
Royal Expeditionary Force, a branch of Tamarand and Dragonheart to oversee the expedition and colonization efforts of the New World, Empyrean
Free Company, a mercenary company formed recently by escaped slaves
Iron Company, the longest running mercenary company known across the world
Forty Thieves, an ancient thieves guild that has operated in Dimitar for centuries, some say even before the death of the Tyrant
Platinum House, a religious organization formed of followers of Bahamut
Order of the Silver Hand, an ancient order of knights who worship Torm and seek to exemplify his virtues

Political Organizations

While not necessary a governing organization, these factions are involved with everyday people, and broker deals with governing bodies as well to provide numerous different services.

Central Mage Authority
Royal Expeditionary Force

Mercenary Companies

Mercenary companies have been a staple of Dimitar culture, namely within the Golden Sea. Many companies have been able to grow significantly in size due to a history of their exploits and achievements. As their name spreads through their deeds, the more people whisper their names.

Free Company
Iron Company
Sunrise Band
Swords of the Second Moon
The Chained
The Unchained

Criminal Organizations

Forty Thieves
Machiavelli Family

Religious Organizations

Platinum House
Order of the Silver Hand

Diamond Company
Mirrik's Band
Red Dogs
Scar City Crew
Storm's Vigil