
Dip your blade in His blood,
And with His strength, find your vengeance
And swear thine oath:
"Fight the true Evil
No Mercy for the Wicked,
By Any Means Necessary, put those who deserve to rest."
No Mercy for the wicked

If drank

Attack - Blood spike

Defence - Bloodstone armour or heal?

Debuff - Blood rain

Marked by the blood of Bhaal

___ Alduin

Dante ___

Tronte ___

___ Alvara

Ela ____

Patron of Hemomancy? Granted Yulian Rilynnarnith Blood Magic.


You find yourself playing around in colourful flower beds and fragrant vegetable gardens, acting out one of the many adventure stories you have read. A gentle voice calls out to you, asking you to come for dinner. You run back excitedly and hop into the woman's arms, burying your face in her warm embrace, and her wonderful smell you will never forget.

But quickly the embrace gives way


You stand in the midst of flames as your watch your home destroyed by the Orc ravagers. The people you loved, the people you cared about. Rage fills your heart as power wells within you. The towering figure walks to you with a great mace in its hands wielded above you. You let out a jet of flame onto the Orcs face, burnt flesh rips away exposing bone underneath.

The next thing you feel is pounding coming from your head, and you awaken in a dark abyss, blood dripping down your head on your face, stripped bare,

You are sitting in a black cauldron filled with a strange, glowing, red liquid.

A pair of crimson eyes stare at you from the abyss, the sense of foreboding travels your body, and your hair stands on its ends.

"The sad little boy got his world turned upside down after his first betrayal. Never felt so angry before did you? Did it feel good burning that Orc's flesh away. Must feel good doesn't it. You probably still remember the smell of your family being burned in those houses, the people you grew up with.

You accepted him as one of your own, and that's how he repays you?

Don't you wish you can find that fucking bastard and tear him limb from limb. Rip his face off and strangle every last one of his kids and family and friends. Rip his fucking dick off too and make him choke on it. Stick a burning hot iron into his eye sockets and watch him scream in agony.

I gave you the power to do so, kid. And now you wanna call the deal off so soon? You haven't even tried your new toys out yet."

Above you a giant figure leans into the red light, and looks down at you. The messy, dreaded hair covers what is a pale face, with flesh rotting off in different places and multiple piercings. The figure gives you a smile and blood drips from its mouth, showing off its blackened teeth. And its eyes, glowing a crimson red. With whatever light there is emanating from the blood you sit in you can see a colossal black sword upon his back, with a skull for a pommel. He wears black and ragged leather vest and a necklace with what seems to be bodies of some sort of humanoids that are mummified interlaced with ruby orbs as big as your head.

Yellow King?

A being older than time, not from any of our worlds or our cosmos. A being that comes from beyond the Astral Sea. You've had your run-ins with him, right? My advice to you, kid, don't look at the Yellow Sign. 'Less you're looking to lose your damn mind.


“Listen, kid, unlike the girl who’s got some twinkle toes good boy god watching her back, you’re in this world alone. What, you gonna toss a coin down a well and hope someone out there gives you power? Power to kill your enemies?

People out there will tell you blood magic is this and that, and you shouldn’t use it, but really they’re dying at the chance to get just a smidge of the power you have. A lost ancient art that people couldn’t bear to erase it from history.

How about I entice you a little. You’ve got potential kid, and I don’t tell everyone that. You’ve got a rage so potent and untapped, not unlike your green friend, but he already knows how to use his. I’m here to give you pointers on how to use yours.

He holds out his large meaty hand and summons an unnatural crimson red flame. Blood drips from the flame itself into his palm and then into your cauldron. You can feel the blood getting hotter against your skin.

“You sure you wanna give this all up? Do you really care what others think of you. They won’t dare speak their mind once they see how powerful you really are.”

The red flame itself becomes almost intoxicating and you feel yourself almost get lost within the fire.

Do you accept?


“You think this priest bitch can save you from me? I’ll always be there, watching, waiting. And in your most desperate of moments, I’ll be right there, ready to give you the voice you need to let this world know your rage..”

You see his large hand reach for you. The image flashes and the hand is reaching into your chest and grabs your heart. You feel as though all of your blood is being pulled out of your body, the flesh above your chest burns with hot fury. You let out a scream of pain as you awake.
